


SKU: gold-13037 Category:


Product Description

  • Complete physical examination,
  • Urinalysis,
  • ECG,
  • CBC, Chem Pac, PSA, Pap Smear, CA125, CEA,H.pylori
  • Mammogram,
  • 3 additional Doctor’s visits.

The Gold Package provides screening for the four (4) most common cancers in Jamaica – breast and cervical in women and prostate and lung in men- in addition to a comprehensive physical examination, urine evaluation, comprehensive laboratory tests, and chest X-ray.

The comprehensive laboratory tests – CBC, Chem Pac, PSA, Pap Smear, CA125, CEA, H.pylori – seek to identify abnormalities of the blood cells, blood chemistry, blood glucose, lipid panel, kidney function, liver function, inflammation of the prostate which could mean early prostate cancer, pap smear in women, evidence of infection of the stomach lining that could cause ulcer and stomach cancer, and evidence of markers present in the blood that could indicate cancers of the colon and ovaries. Additional tests, not covered by this package, may be recommended by your Medesure Participating Physician, to confirm these conditions or further evaluate abnormalities.

A mammogram is the test of choice for screening for breast cancer, a pap smear for cervical cancer, a PSA test, in addition to a rectal examination, for prostate cancer, and a chest X ray for lung cancer. These conditions are curable if detected in the early stages.

This Health Package is designed to provide three follow up assessments/evaluation by the Medesure physician, in order to provide advice and treatment for any abnormalities or medical conditions identified on the initial evaluation and diagnostic tests performed.


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