Arthritis A&M

Arthritis A&M


SKU: arthritis-am-13043 Category:


The Arthritis A&M Package provides:

  • Initial physical examination
  • Initial laboratory evaluation – CBC, Chem Pac, ESR, ANA, RA.
  • X rays of 2 joints
  • 4 additional Doctor’s visits
  • 12 monthly supplies of an anti-inflammatory agent from the MedeSure Medication Formulary. (Price not included in Package price)

The Package provides an initial physical examination which serves to establish general physical health and the nature and specific cause of the arthritis.  An initial laboratory evaluation – CBC, Chem Pac, ESR, ANA, RA – are obtained to identify abnormalities of the blood cells, blood chemistry, blood glucose, kidney function, liver function, and to establish the basic cause of the arthritis. Joint Xrays also provide additional important information about the cause and severity of the joint disease. Additional tests, not covered by this package, may be recommended by your MedeSure Participating Physician to further evaluate abnormalities identified on the physical examination or from the medical history.

Follow up office visits are brief visits for a status assessment for evaluation of medication side effects or adverse reactions, brief physical examination with focus on the joints, medication dosage adjustments, additions or discontinuations, review and discussion of laboratory data, and to ensure compliance with medications.

Medications are prescribed from the Medesure Medication Formulary and are dispensed from Participating Pharmacies. Medications will be supplied monthly, at the beginning of each month.. The choice of medications is the decision of the doctor and patient.

Payment Terms

Initial downpayment of 50% of the Package price, which may be made in 2 instalments, and the remainder is due in 3 months.​ The price of this Package does not include medications.  Payments for medications must be received by Medesure Jamaica monthly, 2 weeks in advance of delivery.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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