Cancer Package

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Medesure Packages


The Cancer Package provides:

o    A comprehensive physical examination
o    blood tests
o    Screening tests for the five (5) most common cancers in Jamaica :

    1.  breast – mammogram (women)
    2. cervix – pap smear (women)
    3. prostate – PSA (men)
    4. lung – chest X ray
    5. colon – colonoscopy

o    Ultrasound of

    1. Liver
    2. gallbladder
    3.  pancreas
    4. kidneys
    5. ovaries (women)
    6. testicles (men)

The Cancer Package includes a battery of diagnostic tests that are geared towards detecting a wide range of cancers early when they can be cured or effectively treated. These cancers include lymphoma, blood (leukemias), breast, cervical and ovarian in women, prostate and testicular in men, lung, colon, kidneys, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and thyroid. The tests required for these cancers are: breast – mammogram, cervix – pap smear, ovaries – ultrasound, prostate – PSA blood test, testicular – ultrasound, lung – chest X ray, colon – colonoscopy, thyroid, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, – ultrasound. A comprehensive physical examination is an important part of the evaluation for each cancer, and comprehensive laboratory tests will identify abnormalities of the blood cells, blood chemistry, blood sugar level, cholesterol level, kidney function, liver function, prostate inflammation (PSA), which could mean early prostate cancer, stomach infection that could cause ulcer and stomach cancer, and markers present in the blood that could indicate the presence of cancers of the colon and ovaries (women).

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