Plan Description

A MedeSure Health Security Plan is a long-term medical plan that applies state of the art medical technologies and protocols to detect and provide the best available disease management for the common, non-communicable diseases and medical conditions that cause sickness and premature death in individuals over age 40 years. These include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolaemia, heart disease and cancers. The Health Security Plans provide annual Executive Medicals (colonoscopy in year one only) and any 3-disease (or less) combination Disease Assessment and Management Package for the term of the Plan. Disease management for cancers is not included. A comprehensive medical report (Continuing Care Document), with comparative analyses in successive years, is provided annually.

The goal of MedeSure Health Security Plans is to stabilize and begin to improve the targeted medical condition(s) within one year of commencement of the Plan, with documented improvement in established, measurable metrics and indices, with the objective of achieving full disease control in successive years.


Plan Provisions

Executive Medicals include:

A comprehensive physical examination
o          urine evaluation
o          comprehensive blood tests – Chem Pac
o          ECG
o          exercise stress test of the heart
o          chest X ray
o          Screening tests for the five (5) most common cancers in Jamaica:

      1. breast – mammogram (women)
      2. cervix – pap smear (women)
      3. prostate – PSA (men)
      4. lung – chest X ray
      5. colon – colonoscopy


Disease Assessment and Management Packages include:

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