No, but the Health Packages will provide early identification of most medical conditions that cause illness, diminished quality of life and premature death if obtained at regular intervals, and thereby permit the application of precise prevention and intervention strategies.

Heart diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, lung diseases, diseases of the blood and lymphatic systems, nerve diseases, cancers of the breast, cervix, lung, prostate, colon, blood – leukemias, lymphomas, myelomas –brain, ovaries, pancreas, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, thyroid, testicles and many diseases of the immune system.

Yes. A Health Package must be activated within three months  and utilized within one year of purchase.

A Payment Terms option is available for all Health Packages.

A minimum down payment of 50% of the value of the desired Package is required. This down payment is non-refundable once the package is activated. Limited services will be provided until full payment is received. The package will be voided within 3 months if no further payment is received.

A Welcome Kit, which includes a membership card or Medesure card, which must be presented when services are rendered, a Welcome Letter which states the name of the Package being purchased, the list of services to be provided, the name and contact information of the Participating Physician, and the terms and conditions of the Package, will be made available to the new member.

Yes. Members will have 24 hour online access to their medical information through a password protected Patient Portal, the link to which will be provided in the Welcome Letter, and by email.

A medical report called a Continuing Care Document (CCD), which is a compilation of your medical and diagnostic test reports, an assessment of your medical condition based upon those findings, and recommendations for continuing medical care, will be generated for the Executive Packages. You may access the complete document at the Patient Portal two (2) weeks after completion of your Package. The diagnostic test reports for all other Packages will also be available on the Patient Portal.  It is strongly advised that you download and save, or print a copy of your CCD. You may request a copy of your CCD from Medesure for as long as is required by the laws of Jamaica.

Access to the Patient Portal will be denied 30 days after membership in Medesure ends, or 30 days after deactivation of membership due to payment default.

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