How do Medical Packages & Health Security Plans Work

MedeSure 100 Diseases Packages provide medical management for any 5 of 100 common acute illnesses, with multiple medical visits and medications. Executive Medicals provide a comprehensive medical assessment for non-communicable diseases and cancers that cause sickness and premature death, and Disease Assessment and Management Packages provide state-of-the -art medical management of these conditions (except cancers). Health Security Plans combine Executive Medicals and Disease Assessment and Management Packages in individuals with known disease(s) who choose to utilize available state-of-the-art medical protocols and disease management guidelines for the purpose of stabilizing these conditions within the first year, and achieving demonstrable improvement in established, measurable metrics and indices with a progression to obtaining and maintaining full disease control within 3 – 5 years.

Nurse Advisor

Upon purchase of a MedeSure Medical Package or Health Security Plan, you will be contacted by a MedeSure Nurse Advisor, who will coordinate your care over the life of your Package or Health Security Plan, to answer questions, arrange appointments for each diagnostic test/facility and provide specific preparation instructions for each test or procedure. Concierge medical services are also available.


You will be asked to select from a list of MedeSure Participating Physicians, a physician from whom you would receive medical services. You may ask your current primary care physician to consider managing your health package for you. He or she may then request MedeSure Participating Physician privileges.


Medications are prescribed from the MedeSure Medication Formulary and are dispensed from Participating Pharmacies. Medications will be supplied monthly, at the beginning of each month. The choice of medications is the decision of the doctor and patient. The MedeSure Medication Formulary is frequently updated and provides the most effective medications available, at competitive prices.

Access to Medical Reports

You will have access to your medical information at all times through MedeSure’s Patient Portal, and a medical report called a Continuing Care Document (CCD), which is a compilation of your medical and diagnostic test reports, with an assessment of your medical condition based upon these findings, and recommendations for continuing medical care will be provided upon completion of your package.


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